
How to get a million visitors to your blog in one day

You would think that since there are a billion people using the internet at least sometime during the day, getting just 1% of them (which is 10 million) to visit your blog should be easy. Then getting just 1 million visitors should be a piece of cake, so is it?

I personally only have a handful of visitors in a week, why you ask? The answer to that one is simple, I don't write anything that people are clamoring to read. I am not famous, the blog is not the blog of a well known brand of anything and I don't write particularly well. I would be lucky if Google picked up on the title of this blog post and put it in their searches.

So if YOU know the secret to getting a million visitors to your blog in one day, leave a comment and don't try to sell anybody anything. Yes the comments are moderated.

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